Lupe Fiasco – The show goes on

1. Mi se pare incredibil de optimista piesa asta. Stiu, versurile…

2. Nu ma omor dupa Lupe Fiasco. Dar piesa asta imi e in toate playlist-urile posibile. Probabil ca va intra si intr-ale voastre.

3. Astept feed-back.

So? Cum e?

Lupe Fiasco – the show goes on – versuri

Alright, already the show goes on
Alright, till the morning we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
Just remember when you come up
The show goes on!
Alright, already the show goes on
Alright, till the morning we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
Just remember when you come up
The show goes on!

[Lupe Fiasco Verse 1]
Have you ever had the feeling that you was being had
Don’t that sh-t make you mad
They treat you like a slave, with chains all on your soul,
And put whips up on your back,
They be lying through they teeth
Hope you slip up off your path
I don’t switch up I just laugh
Put my kicks up on they desk
Unaffected by they threats than get busy on they ass
See that’s how that Chi-Town made me
That’s how my daddy raised me
That glittering may not be gold, don’t let no body play me
If you are my homeboy, you never have to pay me
Go on and put your hands up, when times are hard you stand up
L-U-P the man, cause a brand that the fans trust
So even if they ban us they’ll never slow my plans up!

Alright, already the show goes on
Alright, till the morning we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
Just remember when you come up
The show goes on!
Alright, already the show goes on
Alright, till the morning we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
Just remember when you come up
The show goes on!

[Lupe Fiasco Verse 2]
One in the air for the people that ain’t here
Two in the air for the father that’s there
Three in the air for the kids in the ghetto
Four for the kids who don’t wanna be there
Lupe Fiasco The Show Goes On lyrics found on

None for the n-ggas trying to hold them back
Five in the air for the teacher not scared to tell those kids thats living in the ghetto that the n-ggas holdin back that the World is theirs!
Yeah yeah, the World is yours, I was once that little boy
Terrified of the World
Now I’m on a World tour
I will give up everything, even start a world war
For these ghettos girls and boys im rapping round’ the World for!
Africa to New York, Haiti then I detour, Oakland out to Auckland
Gaza Strip to Detroit, say hip-hop only destroy
Tell em’ look at me, boy!
I hope your son don’t have a gun and that would be a D-boy

Alright, already the show goes on
Alright, till the morning we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
Just remember when you come up
The show goes on!
Alright, already the show goes on
Alright, till the morning we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
Just remember when you come up
The show goes on!

[Lupe Fiasco Verse 3]
So no matter what you been through
No matter what you into
No matter what you see when you look outside your window
Brown grass or green grass
Picket fence or barbed wire
Never ever put them down
You just lift your arms higher
Raise em till’ your arms tired
Let em’ know you’re their
That you struggling and survivin’ that you gonna persevere
Yeah, ain’t no body leavin, no body goin’ home
Even if they turn the lights out the show is goin’ on!

Alright, already the show goes on
Alright, till the morning we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
Just remember when you come up
The show goes on!
Alright, already the show goes on
Alright, till the morning we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
Just remember when you come up
The show goes on!

Pe aceeași temă


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  • Catalin Zălog

    Colaborez cu cabral de prin 2014. Îmi place pentru că apreciază serviciile mele.

  • Anca-Elena
    • 27.05.2011

    E uite ca piesa asta chiar nu o stiam, multzam de melodie, e de pus pe mp3 player (unde am DOAR melodii optimiste de imi vine sa dansez prin ratb-uri) … eu o vad hit, si tot pe tonul asta mi se pare Lady Gaga (si nu sunt deloc fanul ei) cu The Edge of Glory, o stii? … in fine, e catchy „the show goes on” a lu’ Lupica 😀

  • cristina
    • 27.05.2011

    Mie imi place la nebunie Superstar, tot by Lupe Fiasco. Cred ca si din cauza ca prima data am auzit-o ca fundal sonor intr-un restaurant, la o aniversare..iar timp de 2 ani am cautat-o fara incetare. Linia melodica o retinusem perfect, insa franturile de versuri nu ma duceau spre niciun rezultat. Am (re)gasit-o in acelasi restaurant, cand pur si simplu nu m-am mai putut abtine si am intrebat-o pe tipa care manevra playlistul ce melodie este. De atunci l-am descoperit pe Lupe Fiasco si o ascult mai mereu, impreuna cu alte melodii mai putin cunoscute.

  • claus (aiurea)
    • 27.05.2011

    Piesa imi place, Lupe asta habar n-a(vea)m cine e. Noroc cu Cabral.

  • Cardreader
    • 27.05.2011

    Si eu o ascult destul de des si imi place acest Lupe.

  • karmapolice
    • 27.05.2011

    fff misto cuvintele..the song goes on

    • Cabral Ibacka
      • 27.05.2011

      Da, daca ai timp sa le si citesti… nu zice rau deloc!

  • Gospodina
    • 27.05.2011

    omfg omfg :)))

  • Andra
    • 27.05.2011

    Imi place!

  • RBoy
    • 27.05.2011

    Not a HIT.

    • Cabral Ibacka
      • 27.05.2011

      Da, clar, are doar 25 milioane de vizualizari pe YT…

  • mirey
    • 27.05.2011

    Imi place pentru ca imi aminteste pe undeva de „Wavin’ Flag” a lui K’naan ! 🙂 ca linie melodica (nush ca nu ma pricep prea bine la termenii muzicali 😛 ).

    Am admirat intotdeauna muzica facuta de negri…au poate,cele mai aproape de perfectiune voci din lume…ce-i al lor e pus deoparte ! 🙂
    Au ritm ,au sound,au forta,au mesaj…imi place muzica lor.

    Departe de a fi un „fiasco” aceasta compozitie te energizeaza si e numai buna pentru distractiile din vara lui 2011 si nunumai ! 🙂 )

  • Raluca Hippie
    • 27.05.2011

    Haiosica foc 🙂

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