E joi, hai sa si radem putin…

Hollywood? Ce-i aia?! Fac si aia filme?!

Poftim aici productie, tata, sa va mearga ziua asta mai usor!

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  • Catalin Zălog

    Colaborez cu cabral de prin 2014. Îmi place pentru că apreciază serviciile mele.

  • Dana
    • 01.11.2011
  • Dana
    • 01.11.2011
  • Cardreader
    • 28.10.2011

    Moaaaaaa! Am dat fast fw, sa prind ideea, dar n-am prins-o :)))
    In orice caz, m-a amuzat destul de mult, ce fete au aia!

    • alex
      • 28.10.2011

      Mustatile alea fac totul, unde mai vezi tu asa mustati smechere? Aaa da, la indienii nostri 😀 Oricum am vazut cel putin 2 greseli de regie, pe langa subiectul in sine 🙂

  • alex
    • 28.10.2011

    Man, am stat pana la final. Dar nu stiu nici acum ce atitudine sa adopt…mai ales faza de la final cu calugarul si asa zisul zeu cum se uitau unul la altul, mai ceva ca la o parada gay. Recunosc ca sunt calit, am la activ si There is no country for old men. Sper sa nu incep vreo polemica pe aici. 🙂

  • Laria
    • 27.10.2011

    Ia sa vedeti voi de pe la minutul 20 ce frumos canta Ram si ce artistic danseaza Shiva….
    Chiar m-am distrat!

  • Laria
    • 27.10.2011

    Hai mai,ca-s simpatici…Si mai simpatic e daca va ganditi cati fani au (sau aveau)…Ganditi-va cum lesinau doamnele cand intalneau unul din actorii de mai sus pe strada….Hi hi hi
    Pe mine chiar ma amuza.

  • 🙂

  • Nóinín
    • 27.10.2011

    daca vrei sa rizi cu adevarat iti recomand sa te uiti la filme nigeriene. 🙂

    • Ottilia
      • 28.10.2011

      M-ai facut curioasa si m-am uitat:

    • Cabral Ibacka
      • 27.10.2011

      M-ai facut curios. O sa bag un search…

  • alex
    • 27.10.2011

    Deci nu imi gasesc cuvintele…

    • Cabral Ibacka
      • 27.10.2011

      Mihaela, sa stii… regulile alea nu sunt rele si au logica (ma rog, cateva dintre ele).
      Cat despre hindustani anglicani… limba imi place.

    • Cabral Ibacka
      • 27.10.2011

      Alex, eu imi pierdusem si gandurile…

    • Mihaela
      • 27.10.2011

      Ti-au cazut pe jos……merra giuta he japani e patloni ingleshtani, sarpelani toplirusi, irpedilhe hindustani- Vorba lui Raj Kapoor – traducere: incaltamintea mea e japoneza si pantloni englezesti, palaria ruseasca dar inima imi este indiana…..he acum ai vorbe?
      Cabral tu ai vrut sa ne amutesti cu filmul asta? La ce minut se rade/ plange?
      Stiati ca exista 10 reguli pentru un film indian:

      1. Two brothers separated in childhood will always grow up on different sides of the law. The law-breaker, however, will suddenly turn over a new leaf before the end, bash up the villain (who is the *real* bad guy), and be pardoned for all his sins before the last-scene family reunion. (This is possible only if he has a heroine – see rule 2 below).

      2. If the number of heroes is not equal to the number of heroines, the excess heroes/heroines will a) die b) join the Red Cross and take off to Switzerland before the end of the movie.

      3. If there are 2 heroes in a movie, they will fight each other savagely for at least 5 minutes (10 if they are brothers).

      4. Any court scene will have the dialogue „Objection milord”. If it is said by the hero, or his lawyer, it will be overruled. Else, it will be sustained.

      5. The hero’s sister will usually marry the hero’s best friend (i.e. the second hero). Else, she will be raped by the villain within the 1st 30 minutes, and commit suicide.

      6. In a chase, the hero will always overtake the villain, even on a bullock-cart, or on foot.

      7. When the hero fires at the villain(s), he will never
      a) miss
      b) run out of bullets. When the villain fires at the hero, he will always miss (unless the hero is required to die, as in rule 2).

      8. Any fight sequence shall take place in the vicinity of a stack of a) pots b) barrels c) glass bottles, which will be smashed to pieces.

      9. Any movie involving lost and found brothers will have a song sung by
      a) the brothers
      b) their blind mother (but of course, she has to be blind in order to regain her sight in the climax)
      c) the family dog/cat.

      10. Police inspectors (when not played by the hero) come in two categories:
      a) Scrupulously honest, probably the hero’s father – killedby the villain before the titles.
      b) Honest, but always chasing the anti-hero (as in Rule 1), saying „Tum kanoon se bach nahin sakte”, only to pat him in the back in reel 23. Usually, this inspector’s daughter is in love with the anti-hero.
      c) The corrupt inspector, (usually the real villain’s sidekick) unceremoniously knocked about by the hero(s) in the climax

  • Cami
    • 27.10.2011

    Mno, n-am putut mai mult de 30de secunde. 😐
    Ceva mai neaoș, așa?! Un pupat de moaște, o atenție, o măslină?… Că doar avem și noi d’astea gen: viața bate filmu’ și dă muzica mai tare …și oprește-o.

    Ioooi, mâ’ne-i week-end !! (tra-la-la-la-la!) :))

    • Cabral Ibacka
      • 27.10.2011

      Da, de maine scapam! … pentru doar doua zile… 🙁

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