Culturescape – Sam Sparro – Black and gold

‘cause if you’re not really here
then the stars don’t even matter

Zice bine nenea Sam Sparro, si, cu toate ca ma mananca buricul degetului sa mai adaug eu cate ceva… ma abtin, il las pe el.

Sam Sparro – Black and gold lyrics

The fish swam out of the ocean
and grew legs and they started walking
and the apes climbed down from the trees
and grew tall and they started talking

and the stars fell out of the sky
and my tears rolled into the ocean
now i’m looking for a reason why
you even set my world into motion

‘cause if you’re not really here
then the stars don’t even matter
now i’m filled to the top with fear
but it’s all just a bunch of matter
‘cause if you’re not really here
then i don’t want to be either
i wanna be next to you
black and gold
black and gold
black and gold

i looked up into the grey sky
and see a thousand eyes staring back
and all around these golden beacons
i see nothing but black

i feel a way of something beyond them
i don’t see what i can feel
if vision is the only validation
then most of my life isn’t real

‘cause if you’re not really here
then the stars don’t even matter
now i’m filled to the top with fear
but it’s all just a bunch of matter
‘cause if you’re not really here
then i don’t want to be either
i wanna be next to you
black and gold
black and gold
black and gold

‘cause if you’re not really here
then the stars don’t even matter
now i’m filled to the top with fear
but it’s all just a bunch of matter
‘cause if you’re not really here
i don’t want to be either
i wanna be next to you
black and gold

Pe aceeași temă


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  • Catalin Zălog

    Colaborez cu cabral de prin 2014. Îmi place pentru că apreciază serviciile mele.

  • DeDe
    • 30.07.2009

    Melodia e superba, versurile sunt si mai tari…si desi e putin cam veche…nu conteaza. Anyway, esti tu black dar esti ceva gen „the black gold” or whatever :)) (cam ca petrolul, stii…) Oricum, tot respectu` din partea unei pustoaice de 14 ani juma`…mai ales pentru faptele caritabile…Multi suntem constienti de cate persoane defavorizate avem in jurul nostru…insa foarte, foarte putini facem ceva sa schimbam asta. Ma bucur ca faci parte dintre ei.

  • silvia
    • 22.07.2009

    ceva de genu’ ma simt si eu acum…..hmmmmmm…….

  • anamaria
    • 21.07.2009

    da….are ceva vechime piesa , dar ma bine dispune si imi da senzatia de liniste oricand,
    off topic: imi cer scuze, dar te intreb daca ai citit mail-urile? ti-am trimis un mail, un apel umanitar.verifica te rog.

  • giulia szavo
    • 21.07.2009

    nici eu nu te urmaresc la tv, desi esti bun. dar te citesc, si savurez toate articolele tale. si-ti mai largesc lista de fani, timid cei drept, dar vezi tu, luptam pentru pàinea cea de toate zilele si nu ne ramâne timp si pentru noi

  • Carmen
    • 21.07.2009

    Melodia mea preferata de anul trecut!!!!!!!
    Acum imi plac mult si astea (desi off topic):

  • ladybird14
    • 21.07.2009

    stiu ca nu prea e on topic dar vreau sa va bucurati si voi de poezia asta superba

    enjoy friends! 🙂

  • rebirth
    • 21.07.2009

    atat melodia, cat si versurile.
    multumim 🙂

  • Criss
    • 21.07.2009

    …..and the stars fell out of the sky
    and my tears rolled into the ocean
    now i’m looking for a reason why
    you even set my world into motion

  • Andreea
    • 21.07.2009

    Mda le zice bine. E cool si ritmul piesei. Buna de ascultat dimineata, la cafea, respectiv acum, cand iti citesc blog-ul 🙂 Cabral si TheEconomist, astea sunt primele pagini pe care le deschid la prima ora.

  • iperu
    • 21.07.2009

    Foarte misto!

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