Culturescape – Milow – Ayo technology

Am auzit de curand de nenea Milow, din cate am vazut, fetele sunt inebunite dupa dansul, eu… nu ma omor.

Oricum, Ayo Technology, melodia cu clipul de mai jos a strans pe Youtube peste 3,4 milioane de vizualizari intr-o luna, asa incat ma gandesc la faptul ca poate-mi joaca gusturile feste.

M-am gandit ca poate va place…

Mai jos… Milow – Ayo technology, the lyrics. Versurile vroiam sa spun, ma scuzati.

Milow – Ayo technology – versuri

She work it girl, she work the pole
She break it down, she take it low
She fine as hell, she about the dough
She doing her thing out on the floor
Her money money, she makin’ makin’
Got the way she shakin’
Make you want to touch it, make you want to taste it
Have you lustin’ for her,
go crazy face it

She’s so much more than you’re used to
She know’s just how to move to seduce you
She gone do the right thing and touch the right spot
Dance in you’re lap till you’re ready to pop

She always ready, when you want it she want it
Like a nympho, the info
I show you where to meet her
On the late night, till daylight the club jumpin’
If you want a good time, she gone give you what you want

Baby It’s a new age,
You like my new craze
Let’s get together
Maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy,
Spotlights don’t do you justice baby
Why don’t you come over here,
you got me saying

I’m tired of using technology,
Why don’t you sit down on top of me
I’m tired of using technology
I need you right in front– of me

In her fantasy, there’s plain to see
Just how it be, on me, backstrokin’,
Sweat soaking
All into my set sheets
When she ready to ride, I’m ready to roll
I’ll be in this bitch till the club close
What should I do, on all fours
Now that that shit should be against the law
Different style, different move,
Damn I like the way you move
Girl you got me thinking about,
All the things I’d do to you
Let’s get it poppin’ shorty
We can switch positions
From the couch to the counters in my kitchen

Baby It’s a new age,
You like my new craze
Let’s get together
Maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy,
Spotlights don’t do you justice baby
Why don’t you come over here, you got me saying

I’m tired of using technology,
Why don’t you sit down on top of me
I’m tired of using technology
I need you right in front of me
Ooh she wants it, Ooh she wants it
Hmm she wants it, I got to give it to her
She wants it, Hmm she wants it
Hmm she wants it, I got to give it to her
I got to give it to her

Baby It’s a new age,
You like my new craze
Let’s get together
Maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy,
Spotlights don’t do you justice baby
Why don’t you come over here, you got me saying

I’m tired of using technology
Why don’t you sit down on top of me
I’m tired of using technology
I need you right in front of me

Pe aceeași temă


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  • Catalin Zălog

    Colaborez cu cabral de prin 2014. Îmi place pentru că apreciază serviciile mele.

  • răspunde-i
  • Giuliano
    • 09.06.2009

    E cover de la Justin si 50 cent ! da le plac femeiilor ca piesa suna ca si o balada de dragoste si defapt nu are nimika de a face cu dragostea … poate cu sexul , cum sa ajunga o femei cat mai repede in pat la mine :))

  • Francsic
    • 07.06.2009

    mersi:) de mult cautam melodia si nu stiam cum se numeste… mie imi place foarte mult… e pentru visatori

  • Maria Magdalena
    • 05.06.2009

    poate sunt inculta si nu ma stiu intr-ale cuvintelor. Ce inseamna Ayo?

    Eu prima data am auzit de Ayo (in nu stiu ce dialect african inseamna „bucurie”) si melodia ei „Down On My Knees„. Ayo e o cantareata cu origini nigeriene si romane (mai precis tiganesti).
    varianta live:

    • somnulescu
      • 05.06.2009

      E un fel de strigat, ceva de genu
      ” Holler ” , Ayo e o cantareata super 🙂

  • Magda
    • 05.06.2009

    Ah, cand ii vad lichidele alea ca i se scurg pe chelie ma gandesc numai la alte alea.

  • somnulescu
    • 05.06.2009

    Din cate stiu eu si in Germania „rupe gura targului”
    Bestie, trebuie sa ne dam pe brazda cu multumimea, altfel ne linseaza.

  • Crina
    • 04.06.2009

    Am vazut clipul asta pe VH1 intr-o noapte. A doua zi am ascultat mai multe de la Milow. Recomand The Bed Next to the Window.
    Imi place cum a lucrat pe Ayo Technology. Daca as fi citit pur si simplu versurile, nu as fi incercat niciodata sa ascult melodia. Altfel, este chiar ok, mai ales ca e doar un cover ce depaseste piesa originala.
    Iar Milow mi se pare foarte simpatic!

  • iulia
    • 04.06.2009

    ehhh,atunci va las si eu si cealalta facem putin battle of the sexes:))Katerine – Ayo Technology
    mie-mi place si asta,desi este mai comerciala ,tipa o canta bine si live,are voce,e draguta si uite ca melodia se potriveste a fi cantata si de o tipa

    • jossefine
      • 05.06.2009

      chiar daca e mai comerciala, tipa canta bine.
      eu pt asta votez.

  • buhu
    • 04.06.2009

    Melodia o stiu de ceva timp…insa videoclipul abia acum il vad…
    Varianta asta nici nu se compara cu cea a lui Justin Timberlake…fiind schimbat tot…inafara de versuri

    O melodie care a iesit perfect dupa parerea mea.

  • Raluca Ea
    • 04.06.2009

    nu stiu de ce dar mie imi suna tare cunoscut…. insa imi place soundul 🙂

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